
Enrolling Your Child at El Mundo de Niños

Our preschool is licensed by the state of Wisconsin and participates in the Child and Adult Food Care Program (CAFCP), so you can feel at ease that your children are always learning, growing, and in excellent care.  We are open from late August through early June, roughly following the MMSD school calendar.

El Mundo de Niños can enroll 8 children and is currently at capacity. We hope you will join our wait list!

Things to Consider Regarding Our Enrollment

  • Prices are based on your children’s age(s) as of September 1st of a given year.
  • Parents with multiple children enrolled FULL TIME receive a 10% discount on the eldest child’s regular tuition.
  • Tuition fees will be charged bi-weekly or monthly and fee agreements will renew annually in August.
  • Prices include 2 snacks, lunch and laundering of bed sheets. We serve primarily organic and locally sourced snacks.
  • We require a $50 registration fee when you apply to enroll your child. This fee is nonrefundable.  You will need to submit your registration fee(s) with your completed enrollment applications.
  • A 2 week tuition deposit is required for each child you enroll to secure enrollment, and will be applied to the first 2 weeks of the school year.
  • Registration paperwork and fees are due at least seven days prior to your children’s start date.

WI State Subsidy Payments

  • El Mundo de Niños happily takes state subsidy payments for our tuition payments. To find out if you are eligible for WI Shares State Subsidy, please visit their website.
  • If you are eligible for the Wisconsin Child Care Subsidy Program or other tuition assistance programs, we will work with you to help you enroll in these and other similar programs.

El Mundo de Niños Enrollment Schedule

“First Come, Best Fit” Enrollment Policy

Enrollment is limited and children often stay enrolled for multiple years. We contact those on our waitlist first. We do not enroll on a “first come, first served” basis, but rather “first come, best fit”, so please complete our wait list form below, and we look forward to meeting you soon!

Annual Enrollment Schedule

January - February

Confirm Continued Enrollment with Current Families

February - March

New Family Visits and Open House

March - April

Contact Families on Waitlist – according to vacancies

May - June

New Child Enrollment Paperwork Due


Beginning of the Year Play Date

End of August

New School Year Begins


What Our Families are Saying

Mr. Walquer and Mama Kate as our kids lovingly call Kate have transformed our vision of childcare. Their care for our children far exceeded our expectations. They have taught us how to take a step back and allow our children to take appropriate risks. We value the honest conversations and feedback to nurture the relationship between parent and child, parent and caregiver and caregiver and child.

~Jessica Gomez

[My kid] has been teaching his cousins Spanish and is so proud of having his 13 year old cousin asking him “¿Cómo se dice?” so frequently and he has answers. A huge thank you for expanding his palate (patiently) en escuela.  He’s tried and LIKED every meal we’ve eaten at his Aunt and Uncle’s home, including Japanese food that looked “different”. The amount of growth he’s had thanks to Kate and Walquer is priceless!

~Current MdN Parent

My kids felt safe, happy and so, so loved with Maestra Kate and Maestro Walquer. As a parent, I was grateful to have such deep trust that my kids would be given space for creative play and kid-led exploration, time outside, and nutritious food. We were so fortunate to have found a home-based care provider where nurturing bilingualism was as important as it was in my own home.

~Katie Hayden

Waitlist Registration



Preschool Hours

Monday - Friday
7:30AM - 4:30PM

Saturday & Sunday

Our School Year
August - June

Discovery     Language     Community

All rights reserved. El Mundo de Niños, 2025